Reading List
These are great books;
The Doula Book; How a Doula Can Help You Have a Shorter, Easier and Healthier Birth
by Marshall Klaus, M.D., John H. Kennell, M.D.,
and Phyllis H. Klaus, M.ed., C.S.W.
The book about doulas - if you are concidering having a doula but are not quite sure, this
is the book to read - lots of facts, study findings and so much more.
Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn
by Penny Simkin, P.T., Janet Whalley, R.N.,B.S.N.,
Ann Keppler, R.N., M.N.
of the Childbirth Association of Seattle
A very informative and thoughtful manual.
Birthing From Within; An Extra-Ordinary Guide to Childbirth Preparation
by Pam England, C.N.M, M.A., and Rob Horowitz, PhD.
Truely an extra-ordinary book. I've heard it called "life changing".
More information about Birthing From Within is available at This could be the one book that changes your childbirthing experience.
'Powerful' is an understatement.
The Complete Book of Pregnancy and Childbirth
by Sheila Kitzinger
This book has a great week by week diary that explains
how your baby is developing and changes that you can
expect to see in your body, which is great to refer to, especially
if you wish that you had a window in your uterus.
The Birth Partner; Everything You Need to Know to Help a Woman Through Childbirth
by Penny Simkin, P.T.
A must for reading if you plan to be a birth coach.
Great book for partners, husbands, friends, family members.
For the birth partner who wishes to be truly helpful and supportive,
this is the book for you.
The Nursing Mother's Companion
by Kathleen Huggins, R.N.,M.S.
A wonderful book...this is the book that supported
my breastfeeding years.
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
by La Leche League
Includes many women's stories about their own
breastfeeding experiences.